Our test tunnel is a closed-loop wind tunnel with rectangular cross-section. It forms the basis for normative tests of heat- and smoke-detectors according to European norms EN 14604, EN 54-5, EN 54-7 and EN 54-22. Due to the numerous tests required by the EN 54 and different needs of our customers the tunnel is a modular machine that can be extended and modified as required.
General properties
- normative tests according to EN 54 and EN 14604
- very modular setup that can be configured and extended as needed
- excellent long-term-stability and reproducibility of test conditions
- world-wide support and maintenance
Technical properties
Please note that the actual performance is based on the configuration.
- wind speed: 0.15 — 4.0 m/s
- air temperature: -7 — +160 °C
- temperature gradient (EN 54-5): 0.1 — 30 K/min.
- obscuration: 0.0000 — 2.0000 dB/m
- concentration gradient (EN 54-7): 0.0002 — 0.1 dB/m/min.
- aerosol substance: paraffin oil
- particle size distribution: 0.55 — 1.05 µm (adjustable mass median diameter, MMD)
- cross-section: 0.4 x 0.4 m² (interior), 0.5 x 0.5 m² (exterior)
- width x depth x height: 4.20 x 2.20 x 2.50 m³
Available extensions
The test tunnel is a fully functional base for smoke- and heat-detector system testing. However, with the following, optionally available, extensions its performance can be boosted significantly.
PC Software
The PC software turns the tunnel into a fully automated test stand for fire detectors. Aside from the visual presentation of measurement data it offers extensive protocol functionality and automated normative evaluation of test results.
It further offers freely configurable batch files to automate any test you may require. Time-consuming measurements can be configured and run autonomously.
Cooling unit
A cooling unit is mandatory for any test below room temperature. But it can also be used to significantly reduce cool-down times for heat-detector tests, increasing your productivity.
Inlet air filter
Although the tunnel is comprised of a closed loop it introduces ambient air into the loop for cleaning and cool-down cycles. Depending on the air quality and particle contamination an inlet air filter can be added.
The dazzler is required by the EN 54-7 to test smoke detectors in presence of bright ambient light. We offer such a device according to the Appendix D of EN 54-7.
For production-control many of our customers configure the tunnel to maintain a constant aerosol concentration. The LAMS system is required to keep the concentration constant with highest accuracy for extended periods (hours). It actively extracts a small amount of the circulating air for measurements with a calibrated light scattering photometer.
MIC mount
A mounting unit according to EN 54-7 Appendix C for an ionization chamber (MIC) is also available.
Motorized rotation unit
Smoke and heat detectors have to be tested in different orientations to determine the highest and lowest sensitivity. With our motorized rotation mount this testing becomes fully automated without the need to manually open and rotate the detector.
Temperature-shock equipment
The detector can be rapidly dropped from ambient temperature into the heated tunnel with this equipment.